Dot and Jim Say: Buy A Shirt, Do a Good Deed
LONDON-Tonic T-shirts is a London-based independent ethical clothing label offering bold and unique designs printed on men's and women's sweatshop-free, fairly traded and organic cotton t-shirts.
Charlie Ward and Stephen Hoper, Tonic's co-founders, are huge fans of EastEnders and were inspired to design the "Viva Jim" and "Breakfast At Kathy's" t-shirts as tributes to two of their favourite characters and actors in the show.
Tonic t-shirts is committed to social and environmental responsibility at local, national and global levels, and is actively involved in transforming the largely unethical fashion industry from within.
Tonic donates £1 (US$1.85) to June Brown's (Dot) favourite charity, Freshfields Donkey Village, for every online sale of a "Breakfast At Kathy's" t-shirt, and donates £1 to John Bardon's (Jim) favourite charity, Help The Aged, for every online sale of a Viva Jim t-shirt.
Freshfields Donkey Village, in England's beautiful Peak District, is the home of the Michael Elliott Trust, of which June Brown is president. This unique charity not only rescues and cares for donkeys which have been abandoned, mistreated or neglected but also provides a holiday centre where children with special needs can choose a donkey to help take care of during their stay. Invariably, child and donkey form a close relationship of trust and affection that is of great therapeutic value to them both.
Help the Aged is working hard for a world in which older people are valued for their contribution to society, involved in their local communities and fulfilled in their needs, hopes and aspirations.
Working together with older people around the world, Help the Aged campaigns, researches and develops practical solutions, to ensure that older people have enough money to live on, not just survive; feel more involved and less isolated or alone; get equality and rights in all areas of their lives; and receive high-quality care, when and where they need it.

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