Growing Up With Barbara ('Peggy') Windsor in England
Barbara Windsor
c/o Peggy Mitchell
Albert Square
London E.1, UK
Dear Barbara:
I have been watching EastEnders since it started in New York way back in 1987. When you arrived on the scene I was delighted. You brought a touch of glamour to the cast and a somewhat biting tongue.
Most of all I was happy to brag to my very good friends down at Tea & Sympathy, our only authentic English restaurant in this fair city, that not only did I go to school with you but we were also very close friends for a while. I think we were about nine years old at the time and we attended Church Street School in Stoke Newington. We were in Mr. Coward's class and I believe also in Mr. Lugg's class. I am not sure how I remembered these names from all those years ago. But now I am writing to you ..some of the past is coming to the forefront of my ever-waning mind.
I lived at 35 Stamford Hill, which was on the main road opposite all the stores, not far from Stephen's Department store. If I am correct you lived in a prefab in Bouverie Road and I thought you were so lucky that you had your own house. I know we both visited each other's house to play. In those days, kids of our age went everywhere by ourselves. If my memory serves me right, I also recall that you went to Madame Bahannas dance school (I am not sure if that is the correct spelling).
Once, again I envied you because I wanted to go to a dancing school, too but circumstances prevented me. Another thing,I think I was too shy. I had been an extra in films when I was six to seven years old and I wanted to be a Movie Star.
Well, you achieved what I wanted you appeared in several movies, shows, television but during this time I was not envious anymore just proud that you had made it and that we had been friends. I don't remember when and how we lost touch. Maybe it was when we went to different high schools. I remember we had a friend named June (I can't for the life of me recall her last name). Another friend of mine was Marion Malinskey but I don't know if she was your friend too.
In any event, when I was not quite twenty years old. I emigrated to the United States, to find fame and fortune. Achieving neither, I am still here; I didn't even get married.
At one point, I worked as a personal secretary to several celebrities. One of them being Anthony Newley, who I know joined the cast of EastEnders last year for three episodes towards the end of his life. His character has not reached New York yet, as we get the series about two years later. It really saddened me when I found out he passed away this past spring, as he was a very nice person and I had enjoyed working for him even for such a short period.
While working for Tony here in New York,it was during his Joan Collins period,he and Joan had a party to which I was not invited but you were. We spoke on the phone and at that time you said you remembered me. We said we would try and meet but a couple of days later we met by accident at the offices of Weissberger & Frosch, attorneys for many celebrities I had to pick up some papers and you were there, of course, on business. You were going back to London so we never really got to talk at length. By the way, Tony was in New York with Leslie Bricusse ( and Yvonne) his co-composer, for the Broadway opening of Stop The World, etc.
Since that time obviously we have not met but one day if you come to New York, perhaps we could meet and have a cuppa or more at Tea & Sympathy. Or, if I get home (as I still call London after all these years) we could see each other there. I haven't been to London in four years but hope to go again sometime. My Mum now lives in Finchley.
Please let me hear from you so that we can reminisce. I also think we know many people in common. For instance, I am good friends with Shirley and Don Black of Born Free, To Sir With Love, Sunset Boulevard, etc. Also, after being a secretary for a few years I graduated to becoming a publicist for several years, as well as managing a recording studio.
As it happens it was just yesterday when I was at a taping of a show about New York-based EastEnders fans, the director, David Cumming of September Films, told me that he was going to interview you this week in London and that you were recording an album.
Hope to hear from you soon , let me know either way if you remember any of this.
Best regards,
Estelle Lazarus

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