Why You Should Buy Radio Times'
EastEnders Special Edition

By Tim Wilson

Yeah, yeah, I know. I waxed rhapsodically last issue over the book Who's Who in EastEnders, as well as the Happy 15th Birthday EastEnders video (Editor's note: neither of which are available through the Walford Gazette, due to rights issues). Too right, mates. Indeed, the British Broadcasting Corp. has done itself proud in saluting EE on the occasion of the programme's anniversary, and I have one more commemorative product to add to the short but sweet list: the Radio Times magazine's EastEnders Annivesary Special Edition (this one the Gazette IS selling; see below for purchasing details).

Subtitled the Inside Story of Fifteen Years of Britain's favourite soap, it's a 66-page glossy and a must for any EE fan because it covers the show from its inception to the present day. I must stress upfront that this magazine contains many "spoilers" of plots years ahead of our PBS stations. Three-year periods are cleverly divided up into five sections: 1985-1987 is subtitled "life on the street"; 1988-1990, "Crime & Punishment "; and so forth. But this isn't just a year-by-year chronicle. There are other terrific features that'll grab your attention .

One such feature is titled "It's A Family Thing." This graph-laden guide to the complex familial relationships on EE is truly mind-boggling-no wonder there's an advisory to take two aspirin before reading! There's the requisite centerfold, birds-eye view map of Albert Square and its inhabitants (who lives where). And there are also wonderful sidebars written by the Radio Times' soap pundit Alison Graham. Entitled "Golden Grahams" (cute, huh?), these include topics as diverse as Den's death, Arthur's ill-conceived fling with Mrs Hewitt, with a great degree of humour and insight.

And then there are the fantastic photos! These are all beautifully chosen and organized. You'll find yourself picking up this mag from time to time to have a wallow. I especially dig that PunkMary pic on page 11. Ah, but opposite on page 10 is my absolute favourite thing about this anniversary special: a complete collection of Radio Times' EastEnders covers over the years. There are 21 of 'em. Thanks to the concerted efforts of Larry on behalf of the Walford Gazette, now you can get your own copy. Go on, you know you want to.

EastEnders' complete inside story

Only $10.95 (including shipping) $15.95 for Canada

Send cheques made out to East End Company, Parkwest Finance Station, P.O. Box 20631, New York, NY 10025

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