Collectors' Corner:
'EastEnders' Theme Soundtracks on CD
By Larry Jaffee
EastEnders is such a popular programme in the U.K. that it's no wonder its familiar opening theme often shows up on compilation albums along with other TV series themes.
While I'm always on the look-out for such discs when I'm in the U.K. and continental Europe, every once in awhile I come across them at used record stores in New York that carry imported albums. In fact, I picked up the CD pictured below-Top TV Soap Themes and performed by the London Theatre Orchestra- that way for $6.50. "EastEnders" actually kicks off the CD's 16 tracks, which is dominated by U.K. shows themes, but also includes a few U.S. series songs from the likes of the Young Doctors, Falcon Crest, Peyton Place and The Waltons!?

I picked up the two-CD, 40-track set Great T.V. Themes II at a discount music store in Dusseldorf, Germany. This one is top-heavy with such American favourites as Kojak, Magnum, the Rockford Files, Hill Street Blues, among others.
Incidentally, neither of these low-budget releases contain the actual soundtrack. Whereas the EastEnders theme on Top TV Soap Themes is actually pretty close to the real thing, the rendition on Great T.V. Themes II is laughable muzak played on what sounds like a Casio keyboard.
The official version has appeared on a few BBC releases, most notably Anita Dobson's ("AngieWatts") single version; the EastEnders Sing-Along (long out-of-print 1985 album), featuring the voices of the original cast singing traditional English pub songs; a compilation featuring the music of the theme's composer, Simon May; and a compilation of BBC Television series themes.

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