Editor's Perspective
We Win Some, We Lose Some
By Larry Jaffee
The never-ending saga regarding EastEnders being televised on this side of the Atlantic continues to be an emotional coaster akin to Peggy screeching "GRAAAAANT!" To wit: BBC America viewers who complained about getting the network to finally start promoting EastEnders around other programmes on its schedule deserve a pat on their backs. In February, the promo spots started to run.
Philadelphia PBS affiliate WHYY-TV's sudden cancellation of the programme in late January took everyone by surprise. The decision underscores the series' tenuous condition on public television, and the need for viewers who watch it religiously to support stations' fundraising appeals. WLIW-TV in Plainview, NY embarked on an extraordinary effort to get the funds required to renew the series for another year. Starting in August when the station brought in Michael Greco (Beppe di Marco) to host a live marathon and then a "meet-and-greet" event. The station then every week until early December (when they hit their goal) went on air with its EastEnders fundraising appeals.
Channel 45/49 in Akron, OH also recently dropped it from its programming schedule after 15 years. "The decision to cancel it was not based solely on dollars," said Don Freeman, the station's director of programming and operations. "It was based on lost viewers, a low priority by an overwhelming number of our 20,000 members and a distribution process that hindered us from developing a larger base of support for the series."
UNC-TV in Research Triangle Park, NC has set a benchmark for local EastEnders support and set a new record: $35,227 in pledges, led by the volunteer force known as the North Carolina EastEnders Fan Club.

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