Fond Memories of an EastEnders Fan
by Judy Hirsch ()
We lost a good friend and a major EastEnders fan in January 1999. Virginia Woods () died peacefully in her sleep from complications due to diabetes.
Virginia loved EastEnders. In fact, she loved EastEnders so much that she published a snail mail NY Tri-State Area Fan Club EastEnders Newsletter. And Virginia was a major supporter of other EastEnders fans. She often attended America Online chats and was a frequent contributor to my online newsletter. In face to face gatherings, she was easy to spot in her wheelchair. But she would never allow her mode of transportation to get in the way of having a good time.
She was a regular at Albert Square Fan Club-Minnesota Chapter president Robin Fluin's annual New York City luncheons, which were coordinated by Esta Asteroff. Robin and Esta always made it a point to hold the annual luncheons in wheelchair-accessible restaurants to ensure that Virginia could attend. This past year's luncheon was especially sweet for Virginia in that we were joined by Rachey Sim and Sue Davies from England. Virginia will be missed.