Best Moments In EE History
A Completely Subjective, Unabashed Opinion
By Larry Jaffee
Once viewers are hooked by a television serial, they pick up on character/plot-development nuances that make more and more sense as time goes on.
At least once a year, EastEnders delivers a gripping storyline that sets the stage for a pivotal event, thus forever changing life in Albert Square. This can take the form of someone dying, leaving the Square, or personal relationships veering off into a new understanding about who they are.
These pivotal events in some cases can take an entire half-hour episode (see #5, 6). But in others, it can merely be a split-second, tunnelvision-like look (#10, 13, 14).
The passages in italics explain the overall significance of the moment. They’re listed roughly in chronological order. I think it would be an exercise in futility to list them in terms of importance. They’re all precious in their own way, and could stand up on their own as minidramas whether or not the viewer has any prior EastEnders knowledge.
1) Den Watts kicks down the door to find the dead body of Reg Cox; later chucks Nick Cotton out of pub What a way to kick off a series. Director Matthew Robinson pointed out to me that it was no accident that the first episode ends with a fist (Nick Cotton’s) coming through the door.
2) Ali and Sue find/deal with their baby’s crib death Imagine how painful this type of thing is, even to act.
3) Den and Michelle discuss Michelle’s pregnancy I still find it hard to believe that this could happen.
4) Den and Angie fight in the pub This happened fairly often, so I’m not sure if any row stands out in particular, but they certainly were sort of a latter-day Richard Burton-Liz Taylor a la Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolff.
5) Dot and Ethel reminisce about the old days One of the most requested “two-handers.” You find so much about what made them tick.
6) Kathy confronts her rapist Wilmott-Brown with ex-husband Pete present I had a house-guest while this was airing, so I didn’t catch it all, but the little I did see appeared to be gripping
7) Gill dies of AIDS This was ensemble acting at its best.
8) Michelle and Sharon’s night out; Clyde and Grant look for them at the college The best shot was the very last with an aerial view of the campus showing ‘Chelle and Sharon going in one direction, and Grant and Clyde going in another.
9) Arthur tells Pauline about his affair with Christine; Pauline bashes Arthur on the head with a frying pan Arfur acted so guilty about his affair that he probably felt he deserved it.
10) Grant beats up Eddie, returns to his flat looking manic while blasting opera on the stereo; Frank mobilizes Arthur and Pete to teach Grant a lesson a la “High Noon” Grant’s manic look is priceless. Frank, Arthur & Pete probably saw too many John Ford westerns on telly.
11) Grant finds out about Sharon’s affair with Phil, plays tape in front of everyone at the Queen Vic; beats up Phil at the Arches Probably one of the most effective shots of a car tape deck. The party was getting kind of boring.
12) Ricky’s bachelor party ends three hours before the wedding with the groom waking up in a country field with Grant, Phil and Nigel thinking that they’re in France. The best bit is Nigel trying to speak French.
13) David realizes how mentally ill Joe really is The camera does a quick scan of Joe’s tin-foil-wrapped bedroom; David’s silently aghast.
14) Phil, Grant, Ricky and Bianca go to Spain in search of the Mitchells’ sister Samantha, who ends up in bed with David—Ricky’s half brother. Sam is Ricky’s ex-wife. They’re all utterly shocked, amazed, embarrassed, confused.
Probably the second funniest scene, after #12.
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