As the new issue (summer 2007, issue #58) was being printed, I learned the cost to mail an individual issue has better than tripled from 63 cents to 97 cents, as the result of the latest U.S. Postal Service rate increase. And to stick in an envelope, the cost is $1.14!
Over the past decade, there have been other USPS rate hikes, but only a few cents more each time. The last time the Walford Gazette subscription price increased was 13 years ago. So I think you will all agree this action has been overdue. Hence, effective immediately, all new and renewed subscriptions will cost the new price of $25 for one year (4 issues) and $42 for two years (8 issues). (Please ignore the old price listed on page 16, where the wrong price is also listed for the Mike Reid autobiography. That is now $20.)
—Larry Jaffee, Publisher, Walford Gazette

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