EE items on E-Bay
So you put off buying that special EastEnders item that was advertised in the Gazette three issues ago. It’s gone, supplies have evaporated. The book, record or collectible seems to be unattainable.
Not quite. Grab your chequebooks and get ready to bid’ the auction is already under way.
The days of auctions being defined by fast-talking auctioneers at county fairs or exorbitant prices at Sotheby’s are archetypes of the past. In today’s market, anyone can find the cherished treasure they seek’ and most likely at prices they can afford. Where do these items exist? On the Internet just a few keystrokes away at
After registration, which takes less time than filling out a credit card application, you become a member of the eBay community and the sky is the limit. Or not-the limit is up to you.
Items of every possible category, genre and form are available at eBay. Whether you’re looking for an out of print movie or an impossible to find record, eBay is an endless resource for finding what you seek. For the EastEnders addict, it is invaluable.
Over the summer, I set out to find the EastEnders series of paperback books that were published in the mid-1980s. I had only heard vague descriptions of them and wasn’t even sure they existed-until I did a search on eBay and struck gold. I was specifically interested in the paperback book, EastEnders Book Three: Good Intentions, which focused specifically on the story of first season characters “Andy” and “Debs.”
Needless to say, I was gob-smacked when I pulled a search (just type in the word ‘EastEnders’) and the book came up as a current auction. I saw that the bidding was slow and the price was still amazingly reasonable (below even the cover price of the book). I set my bidding price limit, entered it in and waited. Two days later, I was notified that I had won the auction. It’s as simple as that. I wrote to the chap who auctioned the book (he in England, me in the U.S.) and we set up payment and shipping arrangements. Two weeks later, the book was in my hands. That afternoon, I curled up with an oversized mug of tea and read it cover to cover.
That’s how easy it is to find EastEnders memorabilia beyond what you ever thought existed, let alone was available for purchase. Since that first book auction, I’ve also found a copy of another old EastEnders book, and a pristine copy of the 45rpm record of the instrumental EastEnders theme on the B side of the vocals version, “Anyone Can Fall in Love,” sung by Anita Dobson (“Angie”). Of course, now I have to go out and purchase a turntable.
I highly recommend eBay to all of our readers. It is a very easy service to use and a priceless source for all things collectible. If the thought of purchasing merchandise from complete strangers is making you think twice, remember that eBay is a highly recognized venue for sellers and buyers worldwide. It is not in the best interest of the seller to swindle buyers or sell merchandise of lesser value than they advertise. eBay keeps a tight watch on both sellers and buyers, so the odds of being cheated are slim.
Price ranges vary from item to item. The more interest there is in an item, the more parties will bid, the higher the price will go. I’ve been fortunate with my bidding when it comes to EastEnders’ items. The prices have never been too far above what the original price of the item was and sometimes even lower than the original price.
Beware of snipers! Many times, people who are competing for the same item as you will wait until the final hour of bidding to enter a higher bid, hoping that their competition won’t notice.
If there is an item that I am very anxious to own, I’ll watch the auction for the last hour, watching to enter another bid in the case of a sniper. There is nothing sweeter than the feeling of victory at the end of an auction!
I’ve been bidding for the better part of a year now, have bid on (and won) dozens of wonderful items and have never had a problem. In the event that there is a problem, eBay has what is called a Feedback Forum. Each seller has a page where you may post positive or negative feedback about what you have purchased from any individual. No one wants negative feedback, so sellers are generally very honest (and prompt) with their merchandise.
The next time you feel like kicking yourself for not grabbing that snazzy EastEnders mug or magnet, don’t give up hope. Sign in at eBay and take a look around. Collectibles like the EastEnders board game, autographed photos or even an old EastEnders calendar, are frequently listed for auction. Don’t be discouraged if the item you seek is not currently listed. Chances are that sooner or later, your item will have its day.

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