News & Update Find the latest news, on and off the set, right here.
Articles from the Fall 2002 Edition
BBC America Success! Moves EastEnders to Saturday!
A Chat With New Executive Producer Louise Berridge
Joining The U.K. Soap Press for a Day
The Public TV/BBC America Timewarp
Articles from the Summer 2002 Edition

BBC America Drops EE on Sundays -
Analysis: What's Happening, Why and What You Should Do
Letter From Britain: The Queen's Jubilee, the World Cup and EastEnders
The Most Recognizable Goatee in Britain
The BBC EastEnders Website

Articles from the Spring 2002 Edition
June Brown Has Created a British Institution That's 100% Cotton
NOT YOUR TYPICAL MUM - The Carol Harrison Interview
"Angie' Found in Florida!
Articles from the Winter 2001 Edition
EastEnders On Demand
'Tis The Season for Pantomime
Seen on BBC America: 'The Passion'
Growing up as 'Sonya'
Tragedy Takes The Life of Someone I Knew I usually don't use the Walford Gazette to talk about non-EastEnders
related subjects, but due to the tragic events last Tuesday, I must
make an exception....
Articles from the Autumn 2001 Edition
EastEnders: A Literary Tribute

Articles from the Summer 2001 Edition
BBC America Cancels 'The Early Years'
Gretchen Franklin: 90 Years Young
Star-Struck Fan Remembers to Curtsy
A Little Bit of Walford Found At Home
Articles from the Spring 2001 Edition
Bab's Book: Reads 'Like A Hollywood Novel'
Wendy Richard Interview
Pam St. Clement Stayed At My Hotel!
Articles from the Winter 2000 Edition
EE items on E-Bay
The Paul Moriarty Interview
Articles from the Autumn 2000 Edition
Play review - Mark Homer's 'Boxed'
A Look At the Infamous 'Irish Episodes'
Why You Should Buy Radio Times' EastEnders Special Edition
So You Want to Be An EastEnders Script Writer?
'EastEnders' Theme Soundtracks on CD

Articles from the Summer 2000 Edition
Best Moments In EE History
Letter from Britannia
What Would Freud Have Said?
Yorke's Aim - Continuing The Tradition
Actress Nadia Sawalha Explains the Mystique of ‘Annie Palmer
John Yorke - The New EE Boss

Articles from the Spring 2000 Edition
Reviews of BBC's Official 15th Anniversary Book & Video
15 Years of EastEnders
The Return of Dot Cotton
Future Shock
Mike Reid's Other Job - Stand Up Comic!
Review of 'T'rific': The Autobiography of Mike Reid (Frank Butcher)
Articles from the Winter 99 Edition
Buffalo Station Threatens Cancellation, Again
CD Review: Martine McCutcheon Soars Beyond Walford's City Limits
EastEnder Goes West - Des Coleman Interview
'EE' Executive Producer To Leave! Matthew, Say It Ain't So; We Hardly Knew Ya
Stanley Kubrick, World-Class Filmmaker and 'EastEnders' Fan
Articles from the Autumn/Fall 99 Edition
A Day at Albert Square
The Shaun Williamson Interview
Growing Up With Barbara ('Peggy') Windsor in England
Gazette Publisher Meets 'Grant'
Last Thoughts on Dan Abramson
Articles from the Summer 99 Edition
Esta Asteroff on Dan
Tim Wilson on Dan
Larry Jaffee on Dan
Queen Vic Model Converted Into Flats
Me & Arthur Watching Young Martin Grow
Soap Documentary Starring N.Y. Fans Viewed By 9 Million
The Daniela Denby-Ashe Interview
Articles from the Spring 99 Edition
Spring 1999 Letter from the Publisher
Tim Wilson interviews Paul Nicholls (Joe Wicks)
Larry Jaffee and Paul Field interview Russell Floyd (Michael Rose)
My Favourite Episode
Tribute to an EastEnders fan
Articles from the Winter 98/99 Edition
Eastenders Around The World
BBC America get Satellite Deal
Eastenders Deaths
The Full Mitchell - The Story behind "The Naked Truth"

Gazette Co-Founder Passes Away
At presstime, we learned that Dan Abramson, co-founder of the Walford Gazette died on April 3 after a long illness. The next issue of the Gazette (issue #26) will feature a tribute to him. If any readers would like to share anecdotes about Dan, please forward them by email to
Larry Jaffee

Visit Matthew Robinson (EE former Executive Producer)'s
Poetry Site at:

President of Albert Square Fan Club Passes Away
Robin Fluin, the most celebrated and beloved of all EastEnders fans, died Thursday morning. She had been ill with cancer for several years and had been fighting the good fight until this year. Robin first was diagnosed with breast cancer shortly after Wendy Richard (who plays Pauline Fowler) was diagnosed. Robin flew to England quite often as her husband is British and she met with Wendy on several occasions. Now they shared this terrible disease. However, this year, ovarian cancer was diagnosed and the treatments she had been receiving evidently were not effective.
The last e-mail I received from Robin a couple weeks ago appeared upbeat. She told me the treatments she was receiving seemed to be helping. Either she was sparing my feelings or something went terribly wrong very quickly.
According to her husband, Alan, in the last few months things had deteriorated to a point that she could hardly walk or hold anything. She died peacefully in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. A visitation will be held on Sunday, May 23 from 4-8 and a funeral service at 1.00 on Monday at Washburn Mcreavys Northeast Chapel at 2901 Johnson Street N.E. ().
Robin had been president of the Albert Square Fan Club since its inception many years ago. The fan club was formed after the station there dropped EastEnders. Robin and other fans in the area, fought to bring the show back -- and they won. As a result of their success, the fan club was born. Her newsletters were always filled with great photos, gossip, games and updates about EastEnders. Having spent time with Robin a couple years ago, I am a witness to the vast library of EastEnders books, games, tapes, magazines and other paraphernalia which take up an entire room of the Fluin home. Robin painstakingly constructed on the computer, a family tree with every EastEnders character to date. I was in awe of her patience and perseverance. I will never forget that it was Robin who introduced me to our EastEnders Chat Group.
And who will ever forget how she flew around the country dragging piles of 3-ring binders filled with British gossip magazines to the EastEnders luncheons in New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, DC and of course, her hometown of Minneapolis? As far as I know, the Washington luncheon is still being held Saturday, May 22nd (e-mail ).
Robin was one in a million. I cannot imagine anyone filling her shoes as the "EastEnders Trivia Queen" which is what was inscribed on the plaque we gave her last year. I just can't believe she's gone. My heart goes out to her husband, Alan and their young son, Stephen.
Knowing Robin, I'll bet she's busy conducting interviews with Den, Arthur, Debs, Lou, Andy O'Brien and even old Reg Cox for a very special Albert Square Fan Club newsletter. Wish I could read it.
Judy Hirsch